Race & Ethnicity
Why Does It Matter?
"The Future of STEM Depends on Diversity" by Nicole Cabrera Salazar, 14 minutes
Race and ethnicity minority groups don't always receive the same access to or quality of healthcare, which leads to avoidable health inequities.
Greater resolution of data collection practices can help:
Identify health inequities in subpopulations
Guide development of culturally specific and accessible services
Guide equitable allocation of resources to address inequities
Race & Ethnicity Questions
Phrasing for START's race and ethnicity questions, as well as rationale and wording, can be found in the attached document.
Core resources:
Oregon's Race and Ethnicity Implementation (via REALD) - A validated instrument from Oregon Health Authority's Office of Equity and Inclusion that has been adopted by the state of Oregon and its public health agencies.
REALD is a type of demographic information, like age, marital status, employment and more. REALD stands for the types of information it includes:ÂRace
In 2020, the Oregon legislature passed a law that requires health care providers to:
Collect REALD information at health care visits related to COVID-19, and
Share this information with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
McGee, M.G. (2020). Race, ethnicity, language and disability (REALD) implementation guide. Portland, Oregon: Oregon Health Authority, Equity and Inclusion Division. https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le7721a.pdf
TEDx Talks. (2015, June 30). The Future of STEM Depends on Diversity | Nicole Cabrera Salazar | TEDxGeorgiaStateU [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v8aDo4dV3Q&feature=youtu.be